Revenue recognition

yasaswi gomes (My grammar is 💯 good I)   (7290 Points)

10 March 2021  


Client manufactures equipment and lends them to customers on a trial basis. If the customer likes the equipment, they will purchase or else will return the equipment back to the manufacturer. Client does not want to recognise it as a sale until the goods are satisfactory to the customer

By receivables a/c

To inventory a/c

(equipment lent to customer on 25th Dec, 2020)

By sales a/c

To Bank a/c

(Customer purchased the equipment after the trial on 30th Jan 2021)

By Bank a/c

To Receivables a/c

(Reconciliation done and receivables derecognised on 30th Jan 2021)

This tallies and my doubt is, is there any problem if sales is not recognised at the year end thereby reducing the profits?

Any Tax policy which mentions that profits cannot be reduced for the sake of paying corporate tax?