whether return is mandatory in case of only reverse charge mechanism is aplicable for service tax receiver.plz suggest the same
(C.A. B.Com (H) Graduate)
(2151 Points)
Replied 06 September 2013
Dear Sir,
yes, service receiver is also required to file return as service provider.
Best Regards,
CA Lovely Arora
ca.lovelyarora @ gmail.com
(Manager Internal Audit)
(167 Points)
Replied 07 September 2013
Thanks a lot for your valuable return. but whether its mandatory to file return although i have no service tax liability in case of service provider. hence i request how i filled the same in in new st3 ?
(C.A. B.Com (H) Graduate)
(2151 Points)
Replied 07 September 2013
Dear Sir,
Though you are not liable to file return being service provider, but on other hand, you are required to file return being SERVICE RECEIVER... and in ST-3 return which you are going to file, there is an option of choosing Service Provider and Service Receiver, and all sheets which matters to you being service receiver (in reverse charge mechanism) are required to be filled by you, leaving other sheets (required by service provider) blanked...
Best Regards,
CA Lovely Arora
ca.lovelyarora @ gmail.com