Resume Makeover

CA. Dashrath Maheshwari (TaXpert) (15103 Points)

15 December 2010  

LinkedIn, among the world's largest professional networks, has released a list of most overused words and phrases by people in their profiles. The top 10 terms that are overused by professionals based in India are: 

1. Dynamic 

2. Innovative 

3. Extensive experience 

4. Team player 

5. Motivated 

6. Proactive 

7. Proven track record 

8. Value add 

9. Skill set 

10. Out-of-the-box 

"We have the unique ability to uncover interesting workplace trends in our data given the high volume of people with profiles on LinkedIn," said DJ Patil, LinkedIn's Chief Data Scientist. "In this case, we wanted to reveal insights that help professionals make better choices about how to position themselves online whether they are reaching out to new clients or networking with peers." 

"Phrases like 'extensive experience' and 'proven track record' can appear empty to a potential employer and may do more harm than good when you include them in your profile or resume," said Lindsey Pollak, a career and workplace expert. "If you're using any of these 10 terms, wipe them out. Instead, note that you have eight to ten years of experience or that you increased sales by 300 percent. Include meaningful phrases that apply specifically to highlights you've achieved in your career." 

"The holidays are the perfect time to give your profile and your resume a makeover, since you don't have to worry about the everyday hassles you face when you are in your cube," Pollak added.