Almost all of you are thinking of end result of success or otherwise. I believe end result is only a indicative barometer to your efforts and necessarily need not reflect your knowledge and the sincere and hard work you have put in to acquire the knowledge.
Just to make my point more clear: Suppose out of say 100 questions (problems) a person has studied thoroughly 30 questions and out of these 30 questions, 12 questions appeared in examination paper and he scores excellently and comes out with flying colours. Take another case where a person has studied 70 questions thoroughly but none of them appeared in the 12 questions of examination paper and obviously the person’s result will go for a toss. Yet, the second person is more knowledgeable than the first person. (Of course, I have taken extreme cases to make the point clear.)
So, what I feel is we need to develop the feeling of measuring ourselves vis-à-vis our sincere efforts, hard work and knowledge ALSO.
So, accept the result as it comes and prey almighty for better knowledge along with results.