Respect a woman because-she is life

Ganeshbabu K (Audit and Tax Advisory) (48564 Points)

14 February 2013  

On occation of valentains day.. i am not going to post any lovesymble,or proposals or scraps here..

i just want to say reason to respect woman.


you can fee her INNOCENCE in the form of a daughter

you can fee her WARMTH in the form of a friend

you can feel her PASSION in the form of a beloved

you can feel her DEDICATION in the form of a wife.

you can fee her DIVINITY in the form of a mother.

you can feel her BLESSINGS in the form of a grandmother


her heart is SO TENDER

.....................SO NAUGHTY

....................SO CHARMING

.................SO SHARING

..............SO MELODIOUS

                                                    SHE IS A WOMAN AND SHE IS LIFE.......     




Ganeshbabu k