Can any one give me a draft copy of resolution for converting unsecured loan into sharecapital
J. Manivannan
(Advocate & IP)
(242 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of section 75 of the Companies Act, 1956 and Articles of Association of the Company, a total of 4,00,000 (Four Lakhs only ) fully paid-up equity shares of Rs. 10/- each be and are hereby allotted to..........................(Name of the Allottee(s)) by converting the existing loan given by them to the company”.
(46 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
M.J. Mani I want add further resolution in ur resolution which will make it complete.
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Shri.................,Director of the Company is be and hereby authorise to take necessary action for giving effect to the above resolution"
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