Dear Friend,
Form No.112 is required too be filed only then when an ARTICLE ASSISTANT is undergoing any other course other than Chartered Accountancy (eventhough it is Graduation).
The regulations talks the following w. r. t. Form No. 112:
1. It is required to be filed only by an ARTICLE ASSISTANT i. e. an IPCC student, who passes either FIRST or BOTH the groups and register himself/herself as an article assistant within the meaning of The Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.
2. It is required to be filed when a student i. e. an article assistant persues any other course along with CA. This rule is made so that the additional course opted by such article does'nt intervenes in his/her regular office timings and one must take his/her articles training seriously.
3. The regulations further states that a student can persue only ONE course along with CA along with CA.
OPINION: As mentioned above Form No.112 is to be filed by only an article assistant but, let me be very clear it is a CONDITION and not RESTRICTION i. e. as in your case eventhough you have opted for Graduation before commencement of your articles training, as an ideal students you must file duly filled Form No. 112 now only. There is no penaly, as of now for delay in furnishinh the said form, until and unless you are not an article assistant but, once you have registered for articles training and you are regarded as an articles assistant and if then you make any delay in filing this form then the penaltie(s) are applicable to you.
I hope I have made it very clear. Feel free to communicate.
| Vice Chairman | Pune WICASA of ICAI |
anshulagrawal @