Repair and Return

Sheetal Shelar (11 Points)

22 April 2022  

My name is Vinod,

Suppose I am imported machine from France I am selling  in local market suppliers  told me that if there are any defect please  send back to me I can inspect  machin and told you the repair  charges.

I am imported machine from suppliers  and sell it local and now within one month machine is not working I am taken GR waiver from bank of total value of product and send back to suppliers  and completed re export  the machine and told them machine is not working they told me pay some charges I am paying  to suppliers  and told them repair the send back to me suppliers  can repair send back to me and this is I m return to local purchaser.

For GR waiver I can submit  below documents to bank

Export  invoice copy

Gr waiver  copy

SB copy

Re import invoice

Bill of entry copy

HAWB copy

All things are matched but there is one query raise by bank at the time re export we can issue GR as per product value now the re import value is different then now how can close GR waiver 


There is any circular for GR waiver closer