Rent agreement signed by a non-executive director

Indraraj Saha (JAT) (21 Points)

07 February 2017  

A new company XYZ PVT. LTD. incorporated on 16-01-2017, having two directors 

a. Mr A (executive director)

b. Mr B (non-executive director)

XYZ PVT. LTD. will rent a room owned by Mr A for a monthly consideration of Rs 6000/-

PLS. clarify

  1. who will sign on behalf of the company in the rent deed

  2. is there any specific format of rent deed.

  3. since the company is incorporated on 16-01-2017 can the rent agreement be signed on     17-01-2017.

  4. is there any specific procedure for appintment of director, chairman, authorised signatory person

  5. Time limit with in which BANK a/c, PAN, Trade License needs to be applied for.

  6. Any other statutory mandatory compliances for a new company, apart from appointment of auditor and annual fillings.