Remembering Gandhi and His Two Weapons

Ratan Deep Saxena (Asstt Manager (Accounts & Finance))   (2998 Points)

22 February 2010  

Human existence on this earth approximately goes back to six million years and we all know that there happened to be great encounters between man and nature with respect to the existence of human species. We have surmounted many critical stages in the sojourn of civilization. The onward march of human civilization has encountered many risks and challenges at every stage of its development which made the man more dynamic, adaptive, creative and pragmatic. A great journey of man with his greatest achievements from time to time shows that both genders have played their equal part in the making of humanity. They survived themselves from all odds to make not only their own life beautiful, serene and comfortable but also for the future generations. Their thinking process of development was not at the cost of destruction unlike the present day scenario. They made tools and hand axes out of hard stones to protect themselves not to destroy. Thus even the non-verbal testimony of our remote ancestors indicates that they were committed to preserve, protect and promote humanity and human existence on this earth.

But unfortunately today we are living in a world of agony and insecurity. In terms of materialism our achievements has been reached to such an extent where the peaceful existence man is under the threat. On the other side identity stereotype in the society has made the situation worst. The very much essence of humanity is fading away. Religion which has been played a dynamic role in the making of humanity has now become a double edged sword. We are surrounded by a great mirage.

 We need to explore the ideology of Gandhiji, his words and his deeds in a deeper sense. A man dies, but his ideas and his deeds never dies. Gandhiji is still alive in the heart of not only the people of India but people around the world. We all know that his two weapons of truth and non-violence gave a new dimension to the freedom movement of India. A great philosopher and visionary with strong ideas in his mind known to the world always in loin cloth and a stick, made powerful “British Empire” to kneel down. Who can live a simplest life than Gandhiji and what could be strongest weapons than truth and non-violence.

