Religions of the World History

CA Ayush Agarwal (Kolkata-Pune-Mumbai) (27186 Points)

18 November 2010  



Religions of the World History




Gautam Siddhartha Buddha (563 - 483 BC) born in Nepal (Lumbini)
Founded In 528 BC
Followed In
China, Tibet, Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Japan, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Bhutan and Vietnam
Sacred Text
The Tripitaka (Collection of Buddha's teachings) also called Sutras
Sacred Places
Lumbini (Nepal) where Buddha was born, Bodh Gaya (Bihar) where he received. Enlightenment and Kushinagar (UP) where he attained 'Nirvana'
Place Of Worship Chaitya (temple) and Vihara (where Monks reside)
Sects Mahayana and Hinayana



King Fu Tsu, better known as Confucius (551 - 479 BC) born in the State of Lu in China
Founded In 500 BC
Followed In China, Taiwan, South Korea, Nauru and Vietnam
Sacred Text The Analects
Sacred Places Peking (Beijing) in China
Place Of Worship No Church or temple



Jesus Christ (5 BC to 30 AD) born in Judea, also called Jesus of Nazareth
Founded In 2005 years ago
Followed In Spread all over the world
Sacred Text
Holy Bible consisting of the Old Testament (before Christ) and the New Testament (during and after Christ)
Sacred Places Jerusalem where Christ lived and preached
Place Of Worship Church
Important Sects Catholics and Protestants



Founder Of divine origin
Founded In 1500 BC
Followed In
Concentrated in India and Nepal and also found in Bhutan, Fiji, Gyuana, Indonesia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago, Bali
Sacred Text
The Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the epics of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana
Place Of Worship Temple



Founder Prophet Mohammed (570 - 632 AD) born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia)
Founded In 622 AD
Followed In
West coast of Africa which includes Tanzania, Southern part of Russia and China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia. Also parts of North Africa
Sacred Text Quran (words of God), Hadis (collection of Prophet's sayings)
Sacred Places Makkah (Mecca) in Saudi Arabia
Place Of Worship Masjid (mosque)
Important Sect Sunnis and Shias



Judaism (Religion of the Hebrews)
Founder Moses, bom in Egypt
Founded In 1300 BC
Followed In World wide; mainly in Israel and United States
Sacred Text
Hals, found particularly in the five book of the Bible; commentary on Torah known as Talmud and Midrash
Sacred Places Jerusalem
Place Of Worship Synagogue



Began with Japanese culture and developed out of tradition and ancestor worship
Founded In Antiquity
Followed In Japan
Sacred Text No specific text
Sacred Places
Central Shrine of Ise (central Japan) and the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo



Founder Guru Nanak (1469 - 1539)
Founded In 1500 AD
Followed In India
Sacred Text Guru Granth Saheb
Sacred Places The Golden Temple of Amritsar
Place Of Worship Gurdwara



Founder Lao-tse, a Chinese philosopher
Founded In 6th century BC
Followed In China, Taiwan, Nauru, Brunei, Singapore and Vietman
Sacred Text Tao-te-Ching



Zoroastrianism (Parsi Religion)
Founder Zoroaster, Born in Medea (modern Iran) about 660 BC
Founded In Around 500 BC
Followed In
Iran and north-west India. The Zoroastrians who fled to India during the eighth century are the ancestors of the present Parsi Community in India
Sacred Text Zend Avesta
Place Of Worship Fire temple


World Religions (In Figures):


Religion Percentage of World Population
Christians 33.06
Muslims 20.28
Hindus 13.33
Sikhs 0.39
Jains 0.07
Buddhists 5.87
Jews 0.23
Non-religious 11.92
Atheists 2.35
Chinese folk religionists 6.27
Neo religionists 1.68
Tribal religionists 3.97
Shintoists 0.04
Spiritists 0.20
Bahais 0.12
Confucionists 0.10
Other religions 0.02