The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
[Set up under an Act of Parliament]
PO Box No. 7100, Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002.
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CPE/Circular/2008 March 26, 2008
Dear Colleagues,
Release of CD on ` Bank Branch Audit – An Overview’The Committee on Information technology and the Continuing Professional Education
Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, hereby, announces the
release of a
topics of Bank Branch Audit such as Funded and Non-funded Advances, LFAR, NPA,
Planning etc. It also contains the audio-visual lectures by eminent faculties, who are well
versed in the area of Bank Audit.
These lectures are well supported by various write-ups on the topics of interest to bank
auditors. The Articles section in the CD’s includes compilation of write–ups on latest
topics like Basel II, Risk Management, Core Banking Solution, in addition to articles on
traditional topics like Advances, LFAR, NPA, etc. Moreover, the checklists on various
topics have also been included in CDs for ready reference of the members engaged in
Bank Branch Audit.
The contents of the CDs are comprehensive in terms of both the coverage and the
practical issues addressed. The CDs contain the latest Master Circulars issued by
Reserve Bank of India during 2007-2008 and also the other circulars issued by RBI on
various topics like KYC Norms, Inward/Outward Remittances, FDI, Liberalisation in
Current Account Transactions, NRO/NRE Accounts, Special type of Advances and an
important circular on Housing Advances and the like.
We are sure that these CDs will be of immense help to CAs conducting Bank Audit, their
Staff & the Students of the practicing members as a quick and effective guide for
conducting Bank Audit. Handy and user friendly format of the set would make it easier
for the members to carry the same for outstation audits. The use of these CDs by the
staff of the members conducting bank audits would definitely mitigate the burden of
extensive training to the staff by them.
A moderate price of Rs. 150/- has been fixed for the Set of CDs. You are requested to
place your orders immediately. Please find below the ordering information: -
set of 2 CDs containing Audio-Visual Lectures on various importantOrdering Information
This CD on `
Counter at the Head Office of the Institute. It can also be obtained through post. To
order by post, send a demand draft for the amount of price of the Set of CDs (plus the
charges indicated below for the desired mode of delivery) in favour of “The Secretary,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi”, payable at New Delhi, to
the Postal Sales Department, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, C-1,
Sector-1, Noida – 201301 – (U.P.)
Bank Branch Audit – An Overview’ can be obtained from the SalesPrice of Set of CD’s
Rs. 150/-Postal Charges
By Courier
By Registered Post
Within Delhi – Rs. 12/-
Rest in India – Rs.22/-
Rs. 49/-
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
CA. Atul Bheda, CA. K. Raghu,
Chairman, Chairman,
Information Technology Committee Continuing Professional Education Committee