You have to study the situation on a case to case basis and the agreement made. Normally what reimbursements you receive for expense purely as an agent of the recepient of service would not be included subject to certain conditions. You would normally mention in the agreement that you make certain payments on behalf of the principle that ought to be reimbursed. Such payment should be purely as an agent and should not be a benefit to you during the course of your business. Take following illustrations for the C&F Agent.
The Principal has asked him to additional work at the premises of the C&F Agent for which an employee has to be engaged and the cost of employee would be borne by the principal. This activity will not be in the scope of the agreement with the C&F Agent. say there are goods that have damaged packs and a labour was engaged to make good the damage. this work is not in the scope of the agreement between the agentan d principal but for convenience sake he has to pay and take money for principal or principal may give him money to pay out on their behalf for these charges. Such charges are purely as an agent.
Now the scope of the C&F agreement is to receive the goods and store in the godown. He brings a forklift from outside to unload. Now if the agreement specifically states that the cost of forklifts will be reimbursed, the bill should be in the name of the principal andagent claims the reimbursement. However if the scope of the agreement is that C&F agent does an all inclusive job of receiving, unloading and storing thenhe cannot claim the reimbursement cost of the forklift because that is in his scope of work.
In the agreement if it is stated that the Principal will collect the records from the agents premises and at an instance the principal may ask that the agent should send the records to them and they will bear the cost, there will be no Service Tax as the reimbursement will be on purely an agent basis and even if a person incurs air travel to take the records, there will be no Service Tax. However, if the agreement is such that the agent is responsible to deliver the records to the principal, then he cannot split the bill to be reimbursed cost for expenses in all this.
Therefore, finally everything comes down to one document called the agreement between Service receiver and Provider and the reimbursement should pass the test of being purely as an agent based on this agreement.
The agent CANNOT claim reimbursement of expense on any item that is incurred within his scope of work. Any such items will be deemed to be his receipt for service rendered.