Tuituon fees are paid by Mr. ABC from his student bank account, but the amount of fees is transfered by his mother Mrs. Smita's bank account to ABC's account.
Can Smita claim this amount for 80C deduction??
please help
dhanashri (Accountant) (156 Points)
17 July 2014Tuituon fees are paid by Mr. ABC from his student bank account, but the amount of fees is transfered by his mother Mrs. Smita's bank account to ABC's account.
Can Smita claim this amount for 80C deduction??
please help
Fenil Shah
(Audit & Tax Executive)
(402 Points)
Replied 17 July 2014
If the student has no source of Income, the deduction u/s 80 C can be availed by either of his parents.
Tribhuvan Aditya Singh
(Student as well as Self-employed)
(3710 Points)
Replied 17 July 2014
CA.Vinita Gupta
(Deputy Manager- Finance)
(2923 Points)
Replied 17 July 2014
Richa Bareja
(CA MBA(Finance) CS Final)
(33 Points)
Replied 18 July 2014
Yes, i agree with all.
Tuition should have been paid by either of the parent out of his/her taxable Income only, flow of money out of student's bank account does not disentitle the payer to claim the deduction.
Hitesh Sharma
(54 Points)
Replied 18 July 2014
yes , mother can claim deduction it is allowed on paid basis
(110 Points)
Replied 18 July 2014
YES. Deduction U/s.80C is allowed to Ms.Smita.
(834 Points)
Replied 19 July 2014
Dear all
Good moring
Yes Deduction Claim U/s 80 to his Mother.
Thanks & regards
Santhosh Poojary
(15607 Points)
Replied 19 July 2014
U/s 80C..smitha can claim deduction for tution fees paid...
Deduction under Section 80C can be availed in case of either or both of the parents of the children... Keeping this in mind, it should be decided which of the two parents or whether both should pay the tuition fees during the year and in what proportion, to avail the maximum benefit of this deduction in both the cases..!