Does registration is required under Excise Act, if annual turnover of a garment production unit is Rs. 5 crores and 90% of its sales are export sales.
Pls solve my query?
(Advocate & Consultant)
(1173 Points)
Replied 21 August 2009
Export turnover not to be considered for purposes of exemption from registration;-
Exporters are required to register, even if their clearances for home consumption are less than Rs 150 lakhs
Vishal Umbardand
(25 Points)
Replied 04 January 2011
it means Mfg. not having export & annual turnover not more than 150 L. are not required to registration for central excise.
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 05 January 2011
gross turnover exceeded 400 lacs, so SSI exemption is gone away , now its mandetory to obtain registration and follow the procedures for home and export clearences,