Registration of Partnership Firm

Ram Avtar Singh (Nagari Sultanpur U.P.Delhi)   (14487 Points)

07 November 2009  


Registration of Partnership Firm
Registration of Partnership firm under Indian Partnership Act, 1932
Documents required
  1. Form No 1 as prescribed
    download form no 1
    download specimen of affidavit
  2. Attested Copy of the partnership deed one set
  3. Ownership prove of principal place of business
Amendment in the Registered Partnership Firm
The following forms as prescribed under I.P. Act 1932 accepted for various amendment in original Form-A and Form-C.
S. No.
Form No.
For change of principle place of business & change in the name of the firm.
For change of the other then principle place of business.
For change of name of the partners & permanent address of the partners.
For change of constitution of forms & addition or retirement of partner.
For dissolution of the firm
For minor partner attains the age of majority.