regarding study materials of Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes

Paul George (CA Final) (38 Points)

08 January 2008  
BOS/Ancmnet-Regional conf./227/07
December 20, 2007

The study materials for Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws and Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws for the new final course have been published. The study materials on Direct Tax Laws [A.Y.2008-09] and Indirect Tax Laws contain the amendments made by the Finance Act, 2007 which are relevant for November 2008 examination.

The above study materials will also be relevant for the students of the existing final course for May 2008 and November 2008 examinations for

Paper 7: Direct Taxes and Paper 8: Indirect Taxes with the exception of -

I. Direct Taxes 1. Chapter 30 on Inter-relationship
between Accounting and Taxation and
2. The portion relating to Ethics in Taxation (14.4) in Chapter 14.

II. Indirect Taxes 1. Chapter 16 of Section C on Inter-relationship of accounting with excise, customs and service tax.
2. Chapters 6 to 12 of Section B relating to VAT.
In the alternative, if the students already have the earlier edition of study material on Paper 7: Direct Taxes [i.e. based on the provisions applicable for A.Y.2007-08] and Paper 8: Indirect Taxes [i.e. as amended by the Finance Act, 2006], then, they can purchase the Supplementary Study Paper – 2007 for the final course, which contains the amendments made by the Finance Act, 2007 (relevant for A.Y. 2008-09) and significant notifications/circulars/other legislative amendments made between 1.5.2006 and 30.4.2007.
CA. R.Devarajan
Director of Studies(i/c)