can I show income from home tution(part time work)In ITR-1 Rs.108400/- in income from other sources and transportation allowance claim in Sec.10(14)
Regarding home tuition income
anand (accountant) (96 Points)
01 July 2019
Sai Prabhu Narayanan
(Articled assitant )
(161 Points)
Replied 01 July 2019
Yes, You can Show it in other sources
Rupesh Soni
(Taxation Consultant & CA final student)
(504 Points)
Replied 01 July 2019
Suresh Thiyagarajan
(3986 Points)
Replied 01 July 2019
1. Since you are taking tuition as a part-time the same will be taxed under the head Income from other sources.
2. With respect to your salary income, transport allowance has been substituted by standard deductions (Rs. 40,000). So, exemption u/s 10(14) will no longer be available.
Please correct me if the above solution has an alternative view.
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