honourable persons could you please tell me what is the make credit note and debit note the how was it is used
MPR Sanjay Kumar (3118 Points)
17 October 2021honourable persons could you please tell me what is the make credit note and debit note the how was it is used
yasaswi gomes
(My grammar is 💯 good I)
(7290 Points)
Replied 17 October 2021
Sales return is debit note
Purchase returns is credit note
yasaswi gomes
(My grammar is 💯 good I)
(7290 Points)
Replied 17 October 2021
Your welcom
when seller gets goods returned, he receives a debit note.
then seller gives the buyer a credit note.
its simple to understand,
Purchases debit
purchases returns credit
sales credit
sales return debit
it is described in many ways, what is important is our books of accounts.