Dear All,
Can We Issue C Form on purchase of Industrial Safety Shoe ?
Also suggest can we issue C Form on purchase of any industrial Safety Item ?
What is the Rule of issuing C Form ?
Please advise / suggest.
Tushar Ray
TUSHAR RAY (Jr. Officer) (42 Points)
09 June 2012Dear All,
Can We Issue C Form on purchase of Industrial Safety Shoe ?
Also suggest can we issue C Form on purchase of any industrial Safety Item ?
What is the Rule of issuing C Form ?
Please advise / suggest.
Tushar Ray
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 15 June 2012
if your business is of dealing in such items, then surely you can issue form C, subject to amendment in your CST registration.
if the same is not amended in your Registration, then get it amended immediately, only after amendment you are eligible to issue C form.