Can we pass the resolution for capiatl increase through Circular Resolution??
Plaese suggest , its urgent.
Priya Sharma
Reg;Circular Reso
Priya Sharma (Company Secretary & Student.MBA) (998 Points)
14 September 2010Priya Sharma (Company Secretary & Student.MBA) (998 Points)
14 September 2010
Can we pass the resolution for capiatl increase through Circular Resolution??
Plaese suggest , its urgent.
Priya Sharma
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74337 Points)
Replied 14 September 2010
Ms. Priya
You can increase share capital by passing of resolution through postal ballot under section 192A of the Companies Act, 1956. There is no restriction of passing such resolution under this section.
CS Ajay Mishra