Refund calculated in Intimation 143(1) with some outstanding adjustment

Manish (Software Engineer) (103 Points)

26 August 2023  

Hi All,

Today I got ITR Intimation 143(1) in which Refund is calculate for rs 13290 along with some previous adjustment of 40 rs, so final refund amount it 13240. Now I have some queries regarding further processing:

  1. From here, do I need to do anything from my side ?
  2. I got another message for a transaction of rs 40 along with CRN no  and mentioned as pending confirmation with bank. I didn't get it exactly. Won't this outstanding 40 rs be adjusted from refund amount as refund amount is higher than this outstanding amount.
    How this message saying - confirmation from bank is awaiting. I haven't initiated any transaction fo rs 40 for any CRN.

As per my understandin this CRN is for IT department record and it will be adjusted from refund amount only. The message is inaccurate in my understanding. Please let me know if I have to do anything here.


