Refund based on cenvat credit on input services for export

yashsr (CA) (2285 Points)

17 August 2011  


Is an exporter of services eligible for refund based on CENVAT Credit of Input Services? If yes, whihc services? I'm under the impression that only manufacturer exporter and merchant exporters are eligible for refund for folloowig 17 types of input services:

1)      General Insurance Services for export of goods

2)      Port Services

3)      Technical testing and analysis

4)      Technical inspection and certification

5)      Other port services

6)      Transport of export goods by road(if service tax paid)

7)      Transport of export goods in container by rail

8)      Cleaning activity

9)      Storage and warehousing

10)  Courier of goods and documents relating to export outside India

11)  CHA services relating to exports

12)  Banking services relating to collection of export bills. LC, purchase or sale of foreign currency

13)  Money changing in relation to export goods

14)  Supply of tangible goods for use(hire)

15)  Clearing and forwarding agent

16)  Terminal handling charges

17)   Transport of export goods through waterways(inserted w.e.f. 30-09-2009).


Please let me know what the exact situation of service tax law is on this matter.