RECENT UPDATE IN Employees Compensation Act

Simranjeet Singh (Proprietor at S Simranjeet & Associates Company Secretaries)   (4396 Points)

27 June 2010  

Revised monthly wage ceiling limit of 50% of Rs.4000 increased to Rs.8000-Employees Compensation Act for maximum compensation calculation.


As you are aware, Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 becomes Employees with enhanced compensation limits, full medical expenses reimbursement, case disposal within 3 months, etc..& also applicable to casual & clericals, the said amendment which has removed the ceiling of monthly wage limit of Rs.4,000 for the purpose of calculation of Maximum Compensation under the Act is now amended again.



Now, a new monthly wage ceiling limit of Rs. 8000 is introduced for the purpose of calculation of 50% of it during computation of Maximum compensation under the Act.  Hence, the maximum compensation can go UPTO 50% of 8000 which comes to Rs. 4000/- that shall be multiplied by Age factor. Thus, effectively it was erstwhile 50% of Rs.4000 and now it is 50% of Rs.8000/-. This amendment is notified vide Central Government Notification No. S.O. 1258(E) vide Ministry of Labour & Employment dated 31st May 2010.