
CA Prashant Gupta (DGM (F & A)) (14068 Points)

20 March 2013  



Life is changing, thinking is changing, people are changing and relations are changing. We all hear breaking relations every where. Every person has his/her story. I am trying to find the reason for this. These days one thing is very common in everything “If you are hurt then leave, life is not over”. But are we taking this correctly. I think “NOT”. Because this verb was told for professional purpose. If you are getting problem then leave that it is not like that you must end your life with this.

But people took this in personal relations also. If they are hurt then it is easy for them to leave that person and move on. But we are making fool of ourselves

Relations are not business contracts that we can cancel and they will be wiped out. If you really trust someone or want to keep relation, this verb is not good for you



But when we are angry we don’t listen, we don’t think and we just act “Break the relationship”. Is it OK? NO.  This is the worst thing in life. A true relationship give chance to both

We take every sentence wrong. We think every excuse or truth is wrong. Somebody tells us something and we blindly accept that and break the relation. But truth is not that. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

Remember it is very easy to break the relation then to keep it. And if we are true then that relation must be saved.