Dear Mr. Bhavin Pathak, I think you should have done more research and findings before posting this type of info on the CCI. Mere fact of believing on the internet and wikileaks is no good thing. Please do not try to provoke people and feed ill sentiments in the minds of CCItes on the basis of informations from internet. I want to ask you and other members favouring your post on this topic 1 question: Do you people really think that the people of India, the media, the Indian Bureaucrats and other people from the Civil society are all foollish and insane to tolerate if the allegations and remarks put by you on the persons are true facts...? Try to differentiate between somebody's personal and professional life. For instance, when the whole of India through the media and news agenciese is aware that Ms. Sonia Gandhi is getting treated in US for some disease, then how can you allege that she's in Switzerland...? Note: 1. Please try to provide the source from where you have copied the subject matter; 2. The views expressed above by me are all personal and not to accuse you / anybody who replied in your favor, but to inform and make aware that these kind of issues may create wrong impression on anybody's mind about the persons in your subject which may not be true facts; 3. If you really want to make India aware of the realities then have more knowledge and information on the subject matter and file a PIL so that the whole of India can be benefitted; 4. Wikileaks is not approved and authorized by the GOI; 5. Try to be more mature and deal these kind of sensitive issues smartly, because you would be responsible for the informations provided by you in this forum. |
After your brief reply i wanna tell this...
You are talking about matured mind. Letme tell you that, you are not go thru my other comments (on this post hardly i comment 2-3 times) after reffering that you will find urself much more clear about this post. Its not all about against indian govt. but try to think that the people whomsoever, running our govt is went on the right path after news agencies and govt itself accept about all the scams in past 2-3 can tell all those person running our govt in right way and ethically... i think you dint read my other comments in the same topic and the same thing which you are talking about. i post what i want. the people over here already know more about our government and the people who run it..
Regards, Bhavin