Readership Survey - The Chartered Accountant journal

Sonakshi (executive) (3068 Points)

09 June 2011  


Readership Survey - The Chartered Accountant journal


As part of our continuous efforts to improve upon the content and quality of The Chartered Accountant journal, we will be glad to know our readers' experiences and expectations from us through an online readership survey. All readers are requested to take part in this survey and respond by May 15, 2011, and make this process effective, so that the Journal could be improved accordingly.

- Editor

(Tick and Fill Wherever Necessary)


Reading Habit

Q 1. Do You read The Chartered Accountant journal ?

Regularly       Somewhat Regularly         Occasionally

Q 2 . Do you preserve the Journal for future reference?

Yes       No       Sometimes


Q 3. How will you rate the overall content quality of the Journal in terms of its relevance to accountancy profession?

Poor      Average        Good         Very Good       Excellent

Q 4. How will you rate the overall content quality in terms of language and presentation?

Poor      Average        Good         Very Good       Excellent

Q 5. Which in your opinion are the top six features/sections of the Journal? (Refer to Annexure I and fill code nos. only in order of preference)

1:     2:     3:     4:     5:     6:    

Q 6. Which three features you like the least in the Journal? (Refer to Annexure I and fill code nos. only in order of preference)

1:     2:     3: 

Q 7. Which new feature(s)/section(s) would you like to be introduced in the Journal?

Members Abroad        Career/Opportunities       Soft Skills       Other: 

Q 8. Which are the areas in respect of which the Journal can be improved upon?

 Language       Design/Presentation          Paper Quality   Coverage          Relevance        Latest Updates     

Q 9. Which other journal(s) do you refer to for professional updates?

Accountancy (ICAEW)       Journal of Accountancy (AICPA)       Harvard Business Review       Chartered Secretary   
Chartered Accountant Practice Journal      Service Tax Today      Any Other(s): 

Layout & Paper Quality

Q 10. How will you rate the overall layout of the Journal?

Poor      Average        Good         Very Good       Excellent

Q 11. Do you find graphics published in the Journal interesting and useful?

Yes       No       Sometimes


Q 12. Do you find advertisements published in the Journal interesting and useful?

Yes       No       Sometimes

Q 13. Would you like more advertisements to be published in the Journal?

Yes       No



Q 14. Do you find delivery of the Journal timely?

Generally Yes            No           Sometimes

Contact Details of the Respondent

Name:       Membership No. (Optional):      
Phone:      Email: 


Annexure I

[01] Editorial 
[03] Readers Write
[05] Accounting
[07] Circulars /Notifications
[09] Know Your Ethics
[11] Corporate Governance
[13] Information Technology
[15] Women in Accountancy
[17] Industry Specific
[19] Did You Know?
[21] International Update
[23] Book Review
[25] Carrier Watch
[27] Capacity Building
[29] Events
[31] Management
[33] Back Page

[02] From the President 
[04] Teach for You
[06] Auditing
[08] Legal Decisions
[10] Taxation
[12] Corporate & Allied Laws
[14] Economic Update
[16] Banking and Finance
[18] In Conversation
[20] Photographs
[22] National Update
[24] Accountant's Browser
[26] International Taxation
[28] ICAI News
[30] General/Health
[32] Classifieds
[34] Standards/EDs