Change of Name of Company
There are following steps for change of name of the company:
1. Select few suitable names each of which should indicate as for as possible the main object of the company.
2. Hold a Board Meeting and adopt in it these new name selected.
3. Avoid name which resembles too closely or the same as the names of any other company already registered.
4. Apply to the concern ROC to ascertain which of the new name selected by you is available in Form 1A. (Rule 4A)
5. The ROC concern will ordinarily inform within 7 days from the date of filing of Form 1A.
6. On confirmation from the concern ROC that the new name is available for adoption, hold a Board Meeting and fix up the date, time place and agenda in the Board Meeting for convening a General Meeting for passing a Special Resolution to Change the name, subject to the approval of CG(by delegation to ROC).{Section 21}.
7. Issue notices to all shareholders (Section 171).
8. Hold the General Meeting and pass Special Resolution by three forth majority. (Section 189) for change of present name to the new name availed of from the ROC.
9. File Special Resolution with Explanatory Statement in Form-23 with the concern ROC within 30 days of passing it. (section 192).
10. Even if the change of name consists of any abbreviated name then such name can be allowed to be change by ROC.
11. Apply to the Concerned ROC in Form 1B for approving the change in name.(Section 21).
12. Note that the application for approving the change in name should be given by the ROC within 15 working days.
13. On receiving the approval, apply to the concerned ROC for fresh certificate of Incorporation in the new name. On the issue of such Certificate by the ROC, the change in name will be effective. (Section 23).
14. Make necessary changes in every copy of the MOA/AOA, letter head, voucher, register, office papers, rtecords, books, documents, sign boards, common seal etc. (Section 147).