@ P M Raja:
Unless the purpose of life is known, any answer to your doubt will be more confusing.
Though the query is not related to the caclub, but it indeed relates to all of us, hence would like to reply in very very short terms….
- Darwin's Theory of Evolution. A species is a population of organisms that interbreeds and has fertile offspring. Living organisms have descended with modifications from species that lived before them. More organisms are produced than can survive because of limited resources.
- It stops any explanation for evolution beyond physical level. And life is combination of mainly two things…. physical matter and consciousness.
- For evolution of consciousness from the ‘JAN’ level to ‘JIN’ level our Rushies (enlightened heroes) gave some theories, which we have distributed amongst ourselves as different dharmas.
- JIN is pure level of consciousness, which we all are thriving to achieve, knowingly or unknowingly.
- By uttering ‘Jai Jinendra’ or any other wordings....
- We salute to those....... ‘Siddhas’ who have attained the status, which reminds us that each and every one of us has ability to attain that state.
- We salute those....... who have realized the unrealistic word and are putting their efforts for that freedom state, so that we do not forget our ultimate goal of life.
- We salute those..... who have carved the easiest path to achieve that status of everlasting ‘Sat -Chid -Anand’; which is otherwise not assessable to any of us in the darkness of ‘Ignorance’.
Wish you ‘Jai Sat-chid-anand’ (whatever way you recognize, ultimately it is same.)