It should not be a problem, as ICAI is allowing Online print, which has no photo. For your saftey take your PCC ID card.
You can also Download Hall Ticket
See Also
1. Immediately on receipt of the Admit card, every candidate is expected to verify all the facts, i.e. Roll
No., Name, Group or Groups or Unit, Examination Timing/Session, Dates of examination, Sequence of
Papers, Examination Centre etc. In case of doubt he/she is expected to approach the Superintendent
concerned or the Sr. Deputy Director (Exams.), sufficiently in advance.
2. The doors of the examination halls will be opened half an hour before the time specified for the
commencement of the examination in each session. All candidates should be inside the examination
hall before the scheduled time of the commencement of the examination. It may be noted that the
Superintendents have been advised to verify the identity of each candidate at the time of his/her entry
into the examination hall. The admit card downloaded from our website which does not bear the
photograph of the candidate is also a valid admit card and the identity of a candidate will be determined
with the help of the image of the candidate and his specimen signature on the Attendance Register.
Candidates are, however, advised, in their own interest, to carry with them (along with the admit card
down-loaded from website) the identity cards issued to them at the time of their registration for articles
(erstwhile Intermediate)/Professional Education Course/ Professional Competence Course / Integrated
Professional Competence Course by the Board of Studies section of the Decentralized Office or the
identity card issued to them by the Decentralized Office at the time of their registration as articled clerks
or (where applicable) the identity cards earlier issued by the Examination Department of the Institute if
the same are still valid.