Quick Revision Law Notes for PCC and IPCC !!!

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)

27 October 2010  

Dear Students,


Please find below few of my company law notes for PCC and IPCC students in a bit simple and to the point language. Basically these notes are not very descripttive and in short and simple language and very helpful for quick revision. These Notes includes:


01 Basic concept


02 Incorporation and Registration of companies


03 Commencement of Business


04 Membership of a Company


05 Prospectus


06 Provisions related to Dividend


07 forfeiture and re-issuance of shares


08 Transfer and transmission of shares


09 Provisions related to Charge


Sincerely hope that these notes prove useful for your exam preparation.

All the Best for Exams