Query regarding service tax input credit.
There is a concern which manufactures artificial jewellery set, Furniture and garments. All products are exported by that concern. This concern also provides taxable output services in India like commission Services etc. Due to export we are not registered in excise but registered in service Tax only.
Since Garments, Furniture and jewellery are exempted due to export now our query is that can we take cenvat credit on input service in manufacturing of artificial jewellery set, Furniture and garments and same is adjusted with our output Service Tax liability.
The fabric purchased for manufacturing of final goods is exempted whether it will have any impact on our input of service tax.
Further our CA has advised us that show the input of service tax in excise return then claim in service tax return but as per our opinion there is no need for excise return due to export of goods. Whether it is mandatory or not???
Our Input Services are:
- Reverse charged under GTA
- Reverse charge under work contract
- Reverse Charge under Security Guard
- Input on Administrative Service like Rent, Constancy, insurance
Kindly help on above matter.
Thanks in advance..