Query regarding chapter 3 income tax (section 10)

David (IPCC) (65 Points)

02 September 2011  


I'm preparing for the coming November 2011 IPCC exams. 

Not going for coaching or anything, doing it through self-study (ICAI material). Just started preparing for it, hope I'm able to finish it in time...

Anyway, to the point, I was studying Chapter 3 of Income Tax which is Section 10 (Incomes which do not form part of total Income)... There were a lot of stuff to remember and not all the parts had illustrations. And, looking at the different forums and notes available on the net, this chapter isn't discussed much. So, I was just wondering how important is this chapter?! Should I concentrate a lot on this chapter and is it necessary to by-heart each and every point and limit for exemption? Or, just a few important ones...? 

Thanks in advance... :)

Take care.