Query on service tax
ashwani (CA) (72 Points)
05 July 2012ashwani (CA) (72 Points)
05 July 2012
Madhukar N Hiregange
(Chartered Accountant)
(39034 Points)
Replied 05 July 2012
Under mega exemption sl no 16 only the amount charged for the 5 rooms wouldbe liable. Since the same is less than 10Lakhs not need for regiatration. [ assumed that in previous year he was not liable]
(72 Points)
Replied 05 July 2012
Thanku Madhukar sir for your reply ,so sir it means he donot have to pay to service tax during the current year.
sir one more query due to lack of knowledge the client has already registered and also paid service tax during the last 2 quarter then does it make liable ??
Ajit kumar Dubey
(Taxation Manager)
(637 Points)
Replied 05 July 2012
Ajit kumar Dubey
(Taxation Manager)
(637 Points)
Replied 05 July 2012