Query on quorum of 2 for general meeting of wholly owned sub
Ranjani Vaidyanathan (Company Secretary) (46 Points)
02 April 2015Ranjani Vaidyanathan (Company Secretary) (46 Points)
02 April 2015
P C Agrawal
(Registered independent director Past Chairman of Aurangabad Chapter of ICSI Practicing Company Secretary at Aurangabad)
(8229 Points)
Replied 09 April 2015
As per Sec.103 quorum is two members personally present in the meeting. Hence proxy is not to be counted for quorum. But representative of company duly authorised by Board resolution will be treated as member personally present as per Sec.113(2) and will be counted for quorum. Further, person who is holding shares as a nominee of the holding company will also be considered as a member personally present. Hence in case of WOS quorum can be completed by the presence of both.