My client has recently started an aluminium scrap trading business and is based in Delhi NCR. He follows a Bill To - Ship To model, where:
He purchases goods from a supplier.
The supplier generates an e-way bill under Bill To - Ship To (billing to my client and shipping directly to his customer).
My client then issues an invoice to his customer.
First Scenario:
My client wants to generate an e-way bill mentioning "Dispatch From" as the supplier’s warehouse in Gurgaon, even though he is not registered in Gurgaon. The reason for this is to prevent disclosing the actual source of procurement.
Will there be any compliance issues if the dispatch location is not a registered place of business under my client’s GST?
Second Scenario (Involving Four Parties):
Now, consider a four-party transaction involving A, B, C, and D, where:
A (Supplier) sells to B (My Client) (invoice issued by A to B).
B (My Client) sells to C (B’s Customer) (invoice issued by B to C).
C instructs B to deliver the goods directly to their customer, D.
In this case, how many e-way bills need to be generated, and by whom?
Would appreciate insights from experts regarding correct e-way bill structuring and compliance in both scenarios.