Request you all to please respond to the following query related to section 54 & 54F of Income Tax Act, 1961 regarding exemptions from capital gains.
Mr. A sold his house along with furniture & fittings. But prepared two agreements, one for house seperately and another for furniture & fittings.
Now he purchase a new house out of the sale proceeds.
As per section 54, exemption is available if assessee invest the sale proceeds in residential house after selling residential house only.
And as per section 54F, exemption is available if assessee invest the sale proceeds in residential house after selling any long term asset except residential house.
Now my query is, if Mr. A bought one resdential house out of the sale prceeds from selling both residential house as well as furniture & fittings. CAN Mr. A avail the exemption of both sections in respect of only one new residential house.
that means
under section 54 - House No. 1 (New One) - against the sale proceeds of old house
under section 54F - House No. 1 (New One) - against the sale proceeds of furniture & fittings
"Can exemption under section 54 & 54F be avail in respect of one new house only?"
Please respond