Dear Sir,
Revaluation of fixed asset as per AS 10 is generally carried out by a competent valuer. Say, the fixed asset to be revalued is land. The valuer, based on an estimate that an airport or a shopping mall is about to be erected near the said land, values the land at say Rs. 10 Lac for the FY 2012-13. After the balance sheet for the FY 2012-13 is prepared but before the signing off by the appropriate authority, the valuer comes to know that the plan to build the shopping mall on the adjacent land is dropped. As such, the value of the land will be Rs. 6 Lac only.
My question is whether this should be considered as adjusting events falling under events occuring after the balance sheet date as specified in AS 4? Or should this be simply notified in the director's report? In which year should this difference be accounted for?