can any one give me the excise and custom return
13 June 2010can any one give me the excise and custom return
(43853 Points)
Replied 14 June 2010
dear please find enclosed information for excise.
You must have the latest version of Acrobat Reader to read these forms - |
Form of application |
Settlement Commission - Form of application for settlement of a case under section 32E |
GAR 7 Challan (Front || Reverse) |
G.A.R.-7 Proforma for Central Excise Tax Payments (Receipt & Payment Rules 26) |
FORM A-1 | New Central Excise Registration form. To fill this form Please see Instruction-1 and Instruction-2 |
FORM A-2 |
Application form for central excise registration of powerloom weavers / hand processors / Dealers of Yarns and Fabrics/ manufacturers of ready made Garments |
FORM A-3 | Application form for central excise registration of manufacturers of hand rolled cheroots of tobacco falling under sub-heading no. 2402.00 of central excise tariff act, 1985. |
FORM RC | Central Excise Registration Certificate |
Surrender of FORM RC | Surrender of Registration Certificate |
Declaration FORM | Declaration FORM |
FORM for New ECC No. | Format for application for obtaining new excise control code number |
FORM | Form for Allotment of New Excise Control Code Number |
FORM B-2 | General Bond (Surety/Security) |
PLA | Personal Ledger Account |
Pass out document | For removal of Liquid gases |
Monthly return for CENVAT |
Proforma for monthly return under rule 7 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2001 |
FORM AC-1 | Account of Removals from FTZ, EOU and SEZ to Domestic Tariff Area |
FORM E.R.- 1 | Monthly return for production and removal of goods and other relevant particulars and CENVAT credit |
FORM E.R.-2 | Monthly Return for hundred percent EOUs in respect of goods manufactured, goods cleared and receipt of inputs and capital goods |
FORM E.R. - 3 | Quarterly return for production and removal of goods and other relevant particulars and CENVAT credit |
FORM E.R. - 4 |
Annual financial information statement |
FORM E.R. - 5 | CENVAT - Annual return of information relating to principal inputs |
FORM E.R. - 6 | CENVAT - Monthly return of information relating to principal inputs |
Form ER - 7 | Annual Installed Capacity Statement |
Qtrly Return Form |
Quarterly Return for the Registered Dealers (Under Rule 7 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2002) |
FORM A.R.E.-1 | Application for removal of excisable goods for export by air/sea/post/land |
FORM UT-1 | Letter of undertaking for removal-for export of excisable goods without payment of duty |
FORM B-1 | General bond with surety/security for removal for export of excisable goods without payment of duty |
FORM CT-1 | Certificate for procurement of excisable goods for export without payment of duty |
FORM CT-1 | Certificate for procurement of excisable goods for export without payment of duty from EOU |
Proforma for B-1 Bond | Proforma of Running Bond Account in respect of B-1 Bond |
Statement | Statement regarding Export of excisable goods without duty |
Return | Return for manufacturers following simplified Export procedure |
Invoice | Invoice for goods transmitted to Nepal under Central Excise Seal ( Also see Notification No. 20/2004-C.E. (N.T.), dated 06-09-2004) |
Invoice | Invoice for goods transmitted to Nepal or Bhutan under Central Excise Seal ( Also see Notification No. 45/2001-C.E. (N.T.), dated 26-06-2001) |
Bank Certificate | Bank Certificate for bills covering exports to Nepal / Bhutan |
FORM A.R.E.-2 | Combined application for removal of goods for export under claim for rebate of duty |
Rebate Form | Form of declaration for availing benefit of rebate of Central Excise Duty paid on export of goods |
FORM A.R.E.-3 | Application for removal of goods from a factory or a warehouse to another warehouse |
FORM B-3 | General Bond (security) |
Proforma of B-3 Bond | Proforma of Running Bond Account in respect of B-3 Bond |
FORM C.T.-2 | Certificate for procurement of excisable goods under Procedure for Export Warehousing |
FORM C.T.-3 | Certificate for removal of excisable goods under bond |
FORM A.S.P. II (Appendix-I) | Application for permission to avail of the special procedure relating to stainless steel pattis/pattas or aluminium circles |
Appendix-II | Removal of stainless steel patties/pattas under special procedure |
ASP I | Application for permission to avail of the special procedure relating to embroidery |
Production register | Production register to be maintained by the manufacturer of embroidery working under special procedure |
FORM No.E.A.-I | Form of Appeal to the Commissioner (Appeals) under section 35 of the Act |
FORM No. E.A.-2 | Form of Application to the Commissioner (Appeals) under sub-section (4) of section 35E of the Act |
FORM No. E.A.-3 | Form of Appeal to Appellate Tribunal under section 35B of the Act |
FORM No. E.A.-4 | Form of Memorandum of Cross-objections to the Appellate Tribunal under section 35B of the Act |
FORM No. E.A.-5 | Form of Application to Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (1) of section 35B of the Act |
FORM No. E.A.-6 | Form of Application to the High Court under sub-section (1) of section 35H of the Act |
FORM No. E.A.-7 | Form of Memorandum of Cross-Objections under sub-section (3) of section 35H of the Act |
FORM No. E.A.-8 | Form of revision application to the Central Government under section 35EE of the Act |
Form of application for seeking Advance Ruling under section 23C of the Central Excise Act,1944 |
Form A | Application for refund of CENVAT credit under rule 5 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 |
Proforma | Proforma of Challan and Textile Quaterly Statement Form |
Application Form | Application to avail the facility of filing excise returns electronically |
Application Form |
Application for Compounding of Offence |
Application Form | Application for permission to avail of the special procedure relating to pan masala and pan masala containing tobacco (Gutkha) (Appendix - I ) and Intimation of payment of duty (Appendix - II) |
Form- A | Quarterly return for production and removal of goods under area based exemption |
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(43853 Points)
Replied 14 June 2010
dear ,go to the below mentioned path and take the printout.
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)