dear sir,
whether tds on rent will attract residental house ? if attract tds who will deduct tds & who receive form 16A ?
Dipjyoti Majumdar
(CA in service & CS. dipmaj@ )
(3468 Points)
Replied 28 March 2014
If the payer of rent being an individual is subjected to tax audit then he/she has to deduct at source on payment of rent to landlord.
Income Tax Wala: (Fin. Expert)
(Chartered Accountants)
(2015 Points)
Replied 28 March 2014
Mr. Srikumar
first of all it does't matter whether property is residential or commercial.
if any individual (who is subject to tax audit) pays rent more than 180000/- in a year than he is liable to rent after deduction of 10% TDS.
and owner of property will be the recepient of form 16A from tenent
CA Deepesh Ruhela
(Keen to Learn)
(3271 Points)
Replied 28 March 2014
Any person who is responisble for paying the rent, liable to deduct TDS other than individual or HUF (if not liable to tax audit in the preceding Financial year).
Yes, TDS on rent will attract on residental house. Form 16A recd. by the payeei.e owner of the property from deductor (payer).
CA Saroj Kumar
(Keen to learn something new every moments)
(2588 Points)
Replied 28 March 2014
(Asst Manager Finance)
(59 Points)
Replied 29 March 2014
Can anyone confirm that MArch 2014 TDS Deposit last date is 30th April or there is any change. As I have heard letter is isued by fiance act for change in date.
(Student CA IPC / IPCC)
(25 Points)
Replied 29 March 2014
Dear sir,
Who is liable to Wealth tax?
income tax people are liable?
CA Deepesh Ruhela
(Keen to Learn)
(3271 Points)
Replied 29 March 2014
CA Deepesh Ruhela
(Keen to Learn)
(3271 Points)
Replied 29 March 2014
(Chemical )
(21 Points)
Replied 29 March 2014
I have commercial property and let out for a company and they pay cheque 24000 pm.for rent.But he say he will deduct the tax and give present i am not working , vrs person.and also not filed it due to limit of income less than 5lacs.I may correct in not filing returns,also give advice for first query.