purchase of water purifier - UV techonology45000 comes under which head , Pls let me know.
C.A. Sandeep Wawhal
(1831 Points)
Replied 28 March 2011
It should be come under fixed asset. Because it is capital revenue expenditure.
Vikas Marele
(CA in Service)
(1144 Points)
Replied 28 March 2011
Ya its a Fixed Asset. You can also sub classified it under - Staff Welfare Equipments.
(27 Points)
Replied 29 March 2011
ya its comes under Fixedd asset......
hence it should be capatilised
CA. Santosh Prajapati
(97 Points)
Replied 29 March 2011
Dear Suresh,
Its depend upon the life of the assets,
If the life of the assets is more than one accounting year than it has to be capitalized, otherwise charged p&l a/c