Subscripttion is an important source of Revenue for a Non Profit Organization. Subscripttion may be general or specific.
General Subscripttion - monthly subscripttion/yearly subscripttion received from members of non profit organization
specific subscripttion - It repreasents subscripttions received for some specific purpose say subscripttion received for conducting a function, for contributing to poor children eduction etc.
Subcription Received in advance - it is a personal account.. If you go out of station for long period say 4 years you can pay your subcription for 4 years. NPO will treat this subscripttion as advance and yearly charged to Profit and loss account
Subscripttion oustanding account. It is a personal account. If you go out of station for long period say 4 years and you are not in a position to pay your subscripttion dues on date. NPO wll charge yearly your dues of subscripttion by debiting suscripttion outstanding account and creditin subscripttion account.
Subscripttion account - nominal nature - it is similar to a sales account