quartely GSTR 1
shubham jain (STUDENT) (36 Points)
17 December 2017GSTR 1 of aug is not available.
while filing GSTR 1 of sept, whether we need to give details of "aug and sept" or details of "july, aug and sept".
thank you
shubham jain (STUDENT) (36 Points)
17 December 2017
Shankar Sharma
(510 Points)
Replied 17 December 2017
As per the advisory from GSTN if you are eligible for qarterly return and if you have filed GSTR1 for July17, for the remaining 2 months of the quarter i.e,for August and September you can submit only for those 2 months together when it opens. Here is the quote
“All other taxpayers liable to file GSTR-1 shall upload the invoices and file GSTR-1 for the quarter ending September, 2017 after the option to file the same is available on the portal. The taxpayers eligible to file return on quarterly basis but have already filed the return for the month of July, 2017, shall have to upload the invoices of August and September jointly and have not to include the invoices of July month again.”