For the purpose of filing TDS Quarterly return (Regular) for AY 09-10 and 10-11 which RPU is to be used? I tried with the current one, RPU 2.4 but some error is coming. Anybody having an idea, pl help .Thanks in advance.
Gopika (Asst Manager-Compliance) (223 Points)
06 June 2011
For the purpose of filing TDS Quarterly return (Regular) for AY 09-10 and 10-11 which RPU is to be used? I tried with the current one, RPU 2.4 but some error is coming. Anybody having an idea, pl help .Thanks in advance.
(Asst Manager-Compliance)
(223 Points)
Replied 07 June 2011
The Error coming is like these.
At the time of creation of the file : "Could not find the main class. Programme will exit"
Or at the time of validation of the file: "T-FV-1000 Invalid File Header Record length"
Have anybody come across such a situation. Please help.