Pvt Co becoming a Subscriber to MOA of another Pvt Ltd

Sadanand (ca) (50 Points)

03 April 2011  

Dear Members,

We are registering a new Pvt Ltd Co with an auth capital of Rs. 1 lac, wherein 70% of the paid up capital will be subscribed by another Pvt Ltd Co, which  also has a auth & paid up capital Rs. 1 lac.

Query :

01. Are there any restriction on this kind of transaction. I mean is there any limit on the quantum of investment a Pvt
Co can make in another Pvt Co.

02. What are documents that needs to attached with Form 1 while incorporation. I mean do we need to provide any Board resolution of the Pvt Ltd subscribing to MOA, authorising such investment etc.,.

Appreciate you valuable inputs.

