dear frnds....if i pursue cwa along with ca is it a good option?....since now articleship has becum compulsory in cwa will i get an exemption in cwa articleship after completion of my ca.....plz guide frnds...
Anand (FINAL CA) (1116 Points)
21 May 2010dear frnds....if i pursue cwa along with ca is it a good option?....since now articleship has becum compulsory in cwa will i get an exemption in cwa articleship after completion of my ca.....plz guide frnds...
Abhinav Prabhudan
(88 Points)
Replied 21 May 2010
CWA is really a very good option alongwith CA. But U can't get exemption on the basis of ur CA articleship.
But U can get exemption on the basis of work experience. So for the time being just clear exams of CWA alongwith CA. N then after working for 3 years claim exemption frm training n then get membership. Training is compulsory but no restrictions on giving exams. U can give the exams n qualify.