Purchase bill Entry

santhosh P John (Asst. Manager) (35 Points)

09 April 2010  

Dear All,

I have a confusion about purchase entry of month ending that which date(Invoice date or MRN Date) we must be followed when entering purchase,  if we are following Material Received date is it wrong for Tax Crediting?

For example when we purchase a material at 31/3/10 invoice date might be 31/03/10 but the same material receiving us on 04/04/10 so MRN Date will be 04/04/10.

so my question is 1. which date we must follow when we enter this invoice into accounts?

                                  2. If we are following MRN (Material Receive note) date , is it wrong as per the rules of Income/Vat/Cst

                                        Tax Act.??

Can any one help me to solve this problem .

Thanking you

Santhosh P John