Pt return not getting uploaded - error

Page no : 2

Amol (CA Practice ) (24 Points)
Replied 16 July 2018

Lot of problems are there in filing pt returns now a days challan details are not updated by system hence liability appears in returns hence it cannot be uploaded you can do one thing check status of your challan and try again and if still you are not able to file return then write a letter to department attach the printscreen of error payment challan and form and submit hardcopy and take received on oc

Anuj Jain (Founder) (25 Points)
Replied 16 July 2018

Amol, check status of which challan? We can't even get to the screen where the annexure is uploaded. We're stuck on the previous step, where the FY and month needs to be selected. 

Prashant Ahire (2 Points)
Replied 01 October 2018

Hello, here is the solution, when you go for return when file upload window is open system ask you, if you are already upload this form, YES or NO, click on NO the you will find you draft return if there is late fees applicable then paid 1000 as per late fees then revised your working with late fees charges and enter both challan details ( Tax & Late Fees), you return will be accept. Thanks, if it works for you please give comment

mahesh sonawane (2 Points)
Replied 25 April 2023

Form in file doesn’t match with form in Portal.|TIN number in File and Portal are not same.

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