Proxy of sec 8 company
Suraj Kumar (7 Points)
28 May 2020eg any abc club hold share in xyz ltd.for appointing proxy by abc club proxy need to be member of abc club or different sec 8 company
Suraj Kumar (7 Points)
28 May 2020
Harish choursiya
(Student cs professional )
(249 Points)
Replied 28 May 2020
1.As per rule 19 of company(management and administration) rules 2014 which clearly says about only those members can be appointed as proxy who is also member of same section 8 company to participate on behalf of the member of same sec-8 co. To participate in meetings of members of that sec-8 co. the second part of your query has different perspective that means the meeting of members of other company for which appointment of proxy supposed to do on , sec 8 co. being the member of other co. and for participation in the members meeting,section 8 company can authorise any person by way of passing board resolution by the section 8 co.. Read with section 113 of the companies Act, 2013.
Hope so this add some clarity.
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