Proposed amendmend of Hindu Succession Act,,1956- February 2

vivek (service) (23 Points)

23 May 2008  

Certain amendmends have been propsed in the Hindu Succession Act,1956,As amended by Act 39 of 2005 -February 2008.

However certain issues which seem to be more relevant in today's context are not incorporated. some of  the issues are

1. Is there any provision wherein the daughters get equal rights in their dad’s property, during his existence even if dad makes a will .

2. If daughters are not in good financial conditions and the son is in very good financial condition , but still if  dad wants to give all his property to his son and son’s wife . Can the law put restriction on the dad in doing so ? for neglecting his daughters. Can this injustice to daughter’s be avoided even if the daughters are married or otherwise.?
I think the married daughters as well as sons are equally bound to take care of their parents. Parents should be made equally bound to take the care of their daughters and sons equally.ther should not be any bias in favour of male child.
Because I think the sons are always favored at the cost of daughter’s whether this anomaly can be corrected?.
 Sir I think all these abovementioned queries are all genuine queries which I am penning on behalf of distressed married daughters. and which should be addressed in the proposed amendmend to Hindu succession Act. As these are not addressed what should be the procedure to bring this issues in the public debate and to the attention of the policy and law makers?